Public Consultation on Chilmington Green School

school consultation

As part of the process of opening a new school, United Learning is legally required to hold a consultation exercise, under Section 10 of the Academies Act 2010, to determine whether the Trust should enter into a Funding Agreement with the Department for Education.

This will allow parents/carers and pupils, staff and governors from local schools, local authorities, councillors, local residents and any other interested parties to voice their support and views. Please note this consultation is not related to any building or planning applications surrounding the new school; it is solely to consult on whether appropriate persons support United Learning to enter into a Funding Agreement with the Secretary of State for Education to run Chilmington Green School.

The formal consultation window will run for 6 weeks between Friday 2nd December 2022- Friday 13th January 2023.


We want to listen to your comments and act on any feedback to ensure our school is the best it can be and meets the needs of the community we serve. All feedback and comments that are shared will be recorded and considered, and can be provided in several ways and is detailed in the brochure.

Consultation brochure

You can download the consultation brochure HERE.

As always, if you would like to know more about our plans for Chilmington Green School, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Jon Rutland
Principal Designate
Chilmington Green School