Chilmington Green School

Principal’s Welcome

Jonathan Rutland

A warm welcome to Chilmington Green School
A message from the Principal 

I am proud to be the Principal of Chilmington Green School. As a brand-new school, we have the opportunity to create something very special in this part of Kent and I look forward to providing young people here with an engaging and enriching education which fully prepares them for university and successful, rewarding careers.

I am joining Chilmington Green School from United Learning’s Wye School where I have been Vice Principal since 2018. Wye School, which opened as a new school in 2013, quickly established itself as a high-performing, popular and nurturing school and our vision for Chilmington Green School is no different.

We will emulate the vision and success of Wye School giving our students every opportunity to flourish and achieve their ambitions. In doing so, we will work closely with Wye School as well as United Learning’s Ashford School. Working together as a cluster of schools in Kent, we can enhance the opportunities we are able to offer both students and staff across all three schools.

Chilmington Green School offers both students and parents the opportunity to be part of a new and growing school which will offer an exciting and enriching education and will support students to achieve their full potential.

Thank you for your interest in the school. I would be delighted to meet with prospective students, parents, and staff to share our journey so far.

Jon Rutland

Tours will start in June 2023 for admissions into Year 7 in September 2024. Please contact to arrange a tour.