Staff List

Mrs J Apps KS3 Music Lead
Mr R Beya Pastoral & Inclusion Officer
Miss C Brisley Cluster HR Officer
Miss H Collis Assistant Principal
Mr F Comparetto Lead Teacher of MFL
Mr T Cosser KS3 Lead of Mathematics and Digital Strategy Lead
Ms H Dorey Cluster Business Manager
Ms K Endley Reception & Student Services Officer
Ms K Faseha Teacher of ICT and DT
Miss S Fox KS3 Lead of English & Literacy
Mrs T Gostling Cluster Finance Officer
Ms K Harris Head of Year 7 and Teacher of RS
Miss M Henderson Student Support Assistant
Mr F Haylett Student Support Assistant
Mr T Ifield Teacher of Geography
Mrs H Ingman PA to Principal & Office Manager
Ms H Jeffs Assistant Principal
Ms C Jones Student Support Assistant
Mr S Longhurst Premises Assistant
Mrs C Lovell Teacher of English
Mrs C Mansfield Cluster Deputy SENco
Ms L Maple SEN Administration Officer
Mrs L McCorriston Cluster SENco & Inclusion Manager
Miss J Montgomery Student Support Assistant
Mr H Moore Teacher of PE
Ms S Pearman Student Support Assistant
Mrs L Poynton Attendance & Student Services Officer
Ms C Robinson KS3 Lead of Science
Mr D Rolph Cluster Data Officer
Mr J Rutland Principal
Miss S Sanchez Teacher of Mathematics
Mrs M Schwartz Pastoral & Inclusion Officer
Ms A Smith Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Miss S Taylor Teacher of Science
Mrs P Wanstall Student Support Assistant
Ms K Wigg Head of Year 8 and Teacher of Maths
Ms C Winstanley Pastoral & Inclusion Officer
Miss R Wood Assistant Principal

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