School Meals
School catering is provided by Ashford School and will be delivered to Chilmington Green School’s canteen during our time in Jemmett Road. We will therefore serve hot meals at lunchtime. Students pay for, or access their free school meals, through our sQuid cashless system. These will be paid for termly in advance. We are unable to refund parents or carers for days on which lunch is missed due to absence.
Healthy Food Rules
Parents are welcome to send their children to school with food and drink for the day but we would ask that they stick to the same healthy food rules that school meals follow. This means that no caffeinated drinks are allowed (colas, energy drinks), no sweets (other than one as part of a balanced packed lunch), no overly chemical products such as the American style candies that have high chemical and sugar contents. Foods and drinks brought on site that break these rules will be confiscated and not returned.