Supporting my child’s progress

Revision Resources

The below revision resources are designed to support Year 7 and 8 students with their preparation for the mid-year assessments in January 2025.

English Y7 & Y8

French Y7 & Y8

Geography Y7

Geography Y8

History Y7 & Y8

Maths Y7 & Y8

RS Y7 & Y8

Science Y7 & Y8

Spanish Y7 & Y8


What resources are available to support learning from home?

All students have access to their exercise books in order to review previous learning. Using this information, students can work on building up revision resources such as creating flash cards or mindmaps to help quiz themselves.

What equipment does my child need to access their learning each day?

Please ensure your child has access to the following equipment every day in order to access their learning.

Pen, pencil, ruler (with cm and mm), highlighter, compass and protractor. Students should also have access to a scientific calculator each day (Casio 85GT X). All of this equipment is available to buy with cash from the school reception during break and lunchtimes apart from the scientific calculators.

There are also many other sources that can supplement independent learning below

United Learning Curriculum Website – All subjects

Many resources that are used in school are published on the following website and align very closely to the Chilmington Green School curriculum. Resources can be found at: Students will be able to login using their school username ( and their normal school password. These resources include pre-recorded video lessons that students can use to revise chosen topics for most subjects.

Sparx Maths

Students have access to Sparx Maths which contains tutorials and quizzes on all topics they will learn throughout the year and is linked to the curriculum. This means that any questions that appear on their Sparx for that week have already been studied in class. These questions adapt to your child’s ability level over time to ensure they have the appropriate level of challenge. Usernames and passwords were shared at the beginning of the school year.

As well as homework, it is possible for students to use the website to review any topic that they have studied previously. To do this, you can use the search bar to type in a topic or click “choose lesson” at the top left of the page to use the menu system. There are detailed video tutorials available for each mathematics topic as well as a quiz to practice further. It is also possible to use the website to revise using two options under the “Revise” tab at the top right of the webpage. “Memri” is best done regularly as it gives five questions studied in the past in order to try and commit the knowledge to long-term memory over time. “Fix-Up-5” gives students five questions they have answered incorrectly in the past in order to try and improve these further.

Sparx Reader

Students have access to Sparx Reader and will be set 1 hour of reading per week. The reading will adapt to your child’s ability level over time to ensure they have the appropriate level of challenge. Students should prioritise the reading of the book over the literacy games but both are beneficial. Usernames and passwords were shared at the beginning of the school year.

Supporting my Child’s Reading

What else can I do to help guide my child’s learning?

Other advice on supporting and engaging with your child’s learning include:

  • Ensure your child is ready to learn before the start of the school day. This includes making sure your child is awake, has had breakfast and has their exercise books, equipment and a water bottle.
  • Make sure your child has a distraction-free environment to complete homework. This can include keeping background noises to a minimum, ensuring your child has turned off their notifications on personal devices and is not getting distracted by other people.
  • Have a routine in order to complete homework or revision so that all work can be completed within a particular timeframe, allowing for downtime each day.
  • Regularly asking your child the following questions will help you connect with their learning.
    • What lessons did you have today?
    • What have you been learning in your lesson?
    • What work have you produced?
    • What homework do you need to complete?
  • Discussing your child’s goals with them can help them stay focused when revising for examinations.