Financial Assistance
What is the Hardship Fund?
The Hardship Fund is a discretionary source of financial help available to all registered full time school students. The aim of the Fund is to help students who have difficulties in paying for:
- Curriculum trips, visits and year group residentials (up to 100% of the cost);
- Uniform, shoes or sports kit;
- Emergency travel expenses.
Payments from the Fund are discretionary and if awarded do not need to be repaid.
The School will consider requests for hardship funding from the following groups of students:
- Students in receipt of free school meals;
- Students in families with very low incomes;
- Students with disabilities;
- Students who are or have been in care.
Your child/ren may be eligible for grants from our hardship fund if:
- A household income of below £25,000;
- A student whose parents are currently claiming other means-tested benefits including Income Support, Working Tax Credit/ Child Tax Credit, Income Based Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), who is not entitled to free school meals;
- At the discretion of the Principal, any student who does not fall under the categories
listed above but consider themselves to be in financial hardship.
Please note that proof of benefit is required if not already registered for Free School Meals or eligible for Pupil Premium. Proof of benefit must have been issued within the last six months.
How to apply to the Hardship Fund
An application should be made through the Principal. The application will remain confidential and will be considered by the Principal given their knowledge of the student’s circumstances. If approved by the Principal the application will be passed to the Finance Office for processing.
A student may be able to apply for hardship support at any time during the academic year. It may also be possible to apply more than once, but usually only where circumstances have not changed. Students cannot appeal a decision not to award a hardship grant as the Principal’s decision is final.