Contact Us

If you have any questions about Chilmington Green School, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. All queries should be addressed to the office who will allocate them to the member of staff responsible for dealing with them.

Should you wish to contact a specific member of staff, please add their name to your email, and we will ensure this is forwarded on. Roles and responsibilities can be found on our Staff List or Head of Year and Tutor Groups.

A paper copy of any information contained on this website, and in our policies, can be requested from the school office.

Chilmington Green Secondary School              Reception Tel: 01233 438 800
Jemmett Road                                                       School email:
Ashford                                                                   Attendance Tel: 01233 438 774
Kent                                                                         Attendance Email:
TN23 4QE

To report an absence please email

Mr Jon Rutland Principal (c/o Mrs Ingman, PA to Principal)
Mrs Nicola Timms Chair of Local Governing Body
(c/o Clerk to Governors
Chilmington Green School
Jemmet Road
Ashford, Kent, TN23 4QE)
Mrs Charlotte Mansfield Cluster Deputy SENco
Mrs Harriet Ingman PA to Principal and Medical Needs Administrator
Mrs Mickaela Schwartz Safeguarding Lead
Mr Daniel Rolph Data Officer and GDPR Lead