Ensuring Compliance
Inappropriate items of clothing or jewellery will be removed from the student and can be collected at the end of the school day. Repeat breaches of the rules by any student will be communicated to parents.
Students not wearing full or correct uniform will be challenged and temporary loan stock issued where possible. Should a student refuse the request to change their uniform into an item being loaned from School stock, or refuse to remove any makeup/ or jewellery, this will be addressed as defiance. For PE, students without correct PE kit will be set a lunchtime detention. We do not loan PE kit.
Students may be asked to go home briefly to remedy a breach of the School rules on appearance or uniform. This should be no longer than is necessary to remedy the breach. This is not a suspension but will be deemed an authorised absence. If neither of these options are possible, the student will be expected to work separately from other students. Parents will always be contacted prior to a student being sent home to change. If the student continues to breach uniform rules in such a way as to be sent home to avoid school, or takes longer than is necessary to effect the change, the student’s absence will be counted as unauthorised. If a student’s disregard of uniform policy is persistent and defiant, this will be considered a behaviour issue and may lead to exclusion. Parents will be asked to resolve any uniform issue promptly.
The Principal, or another member of the senior team in his absence, reserves the right to make a final decision with regards to uniform, jewellery or hairstyles deemed to be unacceptable.