Will the dog visit school on set days/hours?
Gus will visit school on a scheduled timetable with Mrs Schwartz. If for any reason Mrs Schwartz is absent from school duties Gus will also not attend. …
How will this be managed where children have allergies?
Children will not need to touch the dog or be in the same room as the dog at any point which will relieve the possibility of allergic reactions. We already manage several allergies at school and this will be no different for …
How will the dog’s welfare be considered?
The dog’s welfare will be carefully monitored. GUS will be walked regularly throughout the day and given free time outside of sessions to rest and play. The dog will be carefully trained over a period and will have appropriate access to food, …
What if my child fears dogs? Will they be forced to be in the same room as the dog?
The dog will be kept in Mrs Schwartz’s Office and Mrs Schwartz will ensure the school dog GUS only meets with children who are happy to have contact with him and where there has been no refusal of permission by parents, this …
Will the dog be a distraction to pupils’ learning?
The dog will be kept in Mrs Schwartz’ office, secured, when needed a sign will always be on display if GUS is in any room to allow the dog to have more space to roam when he is not working, he will …
How will the dog be toileted to ensure hygiene for all?
In the interest of health and hygiene our school dog will be toileted when taken out for walks around the grounds. Any defecate will be cleared up straight away and disposed of appropriately. …
Who is responsible for training?
Mrs Schwartz will be the legal owner of GUS and as a result she will be responsible for his training, school will be fund-raising for the dog’s training costs towards him becoming Chilmington Green schools therapy dog. Appropriate professional training will be …
Has a risk assessment been undertaken?
Yes, we have carefully considered having a dog in school and sought advice from many sources, including other schools that successfully have a school dog. …
Where is the dog from?
The dog was born in Devon from a litter of 11 (7girls 4 boys) from a KC registered dog owned by Mrs Schwartz’ son. GUS is also a KC registered dog. Mrs Schwartz, the School, and PAWs for therapy discussed the appropriateness …
Who is the legal owner of the dog (GUS) and who pays for its costs?
The legal owner of GUS will be Mrs Schwartz. She will bear the costs associated with owning and feeding GUS at home; the school budget/fundraising will support training costs. There will be a school dog contract in place once GUS is officially …